Fashion, Style

Sneaking into summer

It’s no secret that I have an aversion to summer shoes. Although I love a good espadrille and I am not opposed to a pair of haviannas but my true love is closed shoes. I usually live in boots and sneakers all year round. If you’re like me and not a fan of the exposed toe, check out my sneaker suggestions in this post.

Three easy summer looks that still look pretty summery but incorporate my favourite sneakers. These cuties are available at Office London – my go to sneaker store since forever. I was really excited that they launched in South Africa and they literally get new sneakers daily! If you’re a girl who loves a great pair of kicks then give them a follow on instagram to stay up to date with whats on their shelf.

A Guide

Wearing sneakers in summer is really simple. If you’re comfortable showing your ankles definitely go for a low rise sneaker that can easily be paired with over the knee skirts and dresses. I specifically picked out these Puma creepers for their versatile low rise shape. If you’re more of a mini dress gal, go for a high rise sneaker like a converse, it gives off a chilled but edgy feel to your look.

I love jeans in summer too,  I am slowly realising while writing this that its possible that I don’t really like any stereotypical summer clothing. If you’re rocking a summer denim I would opt for  a low rise skinny sneaker similar to a low rise converse or Adidas stan smiths (these go great with skirts too!)

Lastly when in doubt tights always save the day in high summer! I love a three quarter tight for running around the city and I usually pair these with something comfy and low rise. Think Nike Airmax 97 or Cortez.

Xo A




Razana Omar


Rizqua Barnes

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